Visa and Immigration

Visa and Immigration Services

This is the official platform for applying and processing the Electronic Entry Visa (EEV) for travelers seeking to visit and enter St. Kitts and Nevis.  

You can submit visa applications and make secure payments for the EEV, which grants authorisation for travel to and entry into our picturesque nation. 

Access the EEV platform HERE.

Important to know before you start your application

You will be required to complete the online application in a single web browser session. Therefore, please ensure that you have all these required elements before starting the application process:  

  • A valid email address (This email address will be used to provide you with updates regarding your application, including a confirmation email for your approved visa.) 
  • A valid travel document (e.g. passport) (Your travel document must be valid for at least six (6) months after your intended arrival date.) 

Apply Now

Get In Touch

Have questions or need more information? Complete the contact form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

